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Application and Selection of MEXT Scholarship

There are two categories of applying for MEXT scholarship. One is the category where MEXT accepts applications from abroad. Another is the category where MEXT accepts applications from the current international students of Kagoshima University.

1.Application from abroad
① Embassy Recommendation
Application and selection are conducted at the Japanese Embassies or Consulates of respective countries.

② University Recommendation
Kagoshima University recommends the international students newly coming from overseas to MEXT as candidates of MEXT Scholarship Students. In principle, the applicants shall be from the universities which Kagoshima University has academic exchange with.

2.Application from the current international students (Domestic Selection)
 Privately financed international students can apply for MEXT scholarship through Kagoshima University.

*MEXT has stopped accepting "Domestic Selection" applications since AY2016.

≪Application period≫        

Application from abroad Domestic Selection
Embassy Recommendation University Recommendation
Research Students March to May

November to January (General admission quota)
November to February (*PGP admission quota)

October to November
Teacher Training Students January to February N/A N/A
Undergraduate Students March to May N/A N/A
Japanese Studies Students January to February January to February N/A
*PGP stands for the International Priority Graduate Programs.
For details, please refer to the MEXT website.