トップページ>【募集】国際交流会館入居者募集について(夫婦室・家族室)Application for International Residence Hall (Couple,Family Room)

【募集】国際交流会館入居者募集について(夫婦室・家族室)Application for International Residence Hall (Couple,Family Room)


If you wold like to apply for International Residence Hall (Couple's rooms/Family rooms), ​Please read the following information carefully, and submit the required documents to International Student Office.

対象者 Eligibility 次の条件を満たす者

・国際交流会館への入居を希望する留学生(留学ビザを保有していること) International students who hold "Student" visa.

・鹿児島大学に在籍する学生 Students enrolled in Kagoshima university

募集室数 Rooms available
 夫婦室数室 (a few Couple's Rooms)、家族室数室 (a few Family Rooms)

 ※ただし、全室提供できるとは限りません。*We may not be able to provide all rooms.

 今回単身者は応募できません。 *Single person cannot apply.

 敷地内に入居者用の駐車場はありません。*There is no parking for residents on the IRH premises.

 敷地内(建物内含む)での喫煙は固く禁じられています。*Smoking is strictly prohibited within the IRH premises.

法的に結婚している必要があります。*You must be legally married to live in these rooms.

入居期間 Residential duration

 2023年10月~2024年9月 (延長不可) October 2023 - September 2024 (No extension allowed)

 ※入居許可期間は 202492017時まで *Allowed period: Move-out by September 20, 2024 5PM

応募方法 How to apply


 Please submit the following documents to the International Student Office.

  1. 入居申込書Application form <ダウンロード Download>
  2. 外国人登録証明書または在留カードのコピーCopy of Alien Registration Card or Residence Card

 同居家族全員分の外国人登録証明書または在留カードのコピーも必要です。  *All of your family's cards are needed.

 3.婚姻関係を証明する書類 Certificates proving marital status

家族滞在ビザでも可 Family Resident Visa is also acceptable

応募締切 Application deadline  2023731() 17:00 期限厳守 July 31, 2023 5PM

選考方法 Selection method


 The residents will be selected based on the selection criteria enacted by Kagoshima University.

 *In case that we receive a large number of applicants with the same qualifications, International Student Office (ISO)

 will have a lottery to select the residents.

 *Applicants with past residence at the Internatilnal Residence Hall have less priority than people who have no

 past record of residence.

 *Current residents of couple rooms or family rooms who wish to extend their stay should also submit this application.

 Please note that applicants who have never lived in the IRH will be given priority.


Result announcement will be around mid August ,2023.

【国際交流会館概要】 【International Residence Hall Outline】


問合せ先 Contact 

 国際事業課留学生係 International Student Office
 E-mail: ryugaku@kuas.kagoshima-u.ac.jp

Banner List

  • ryugaku-japan_banner.gif


