


 この度、水産学部小針統(こばり とおる)准教授らの研究チームにより、下記のとおり、研究成果が発表されましたのでご案内します。



Toru Kobari, Taiga Honma, Daisuke Hasegawa, Naoki Yoshie, Eisuke Tsutsumi, Takeshi Matsuno, Takeyoshi Nagai, Takeru Kanayama, Fukutaro Karu, Koji Suzuki, Takahiro Tanaka, Xinyu Guo, Gen Kume, Ayako Nishina and Hirohiko Nakamura (2020)
Phytoplankton growth and consumption by microzooplankton stimulated by turbulent nitrate flux suggest rapid trophic transfer in the oligotrophic Kuroshio. Biogeosciences, 17: 2441-2452, https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-17-2441-2020
The Kuroshio Current has been thought to be biologically unproductive because of its oligotrophic conditions and low plankton standing stocks. Even though vulnerable life stages of major foraging fishes risk being entrapped by frontal eddies and meanders and encountering low food availability, they have life cycle strategies that include growing and recruiting around the Kuroshio Current. Here we report that phytoplankton growth and consumption by microzooplankton are stimulated by turbulent nitrate flux amplified by the Kuroshio Current. Oceanographic observations demonstrate that the Kuroshio Current topographically enhances significant turbulent mixing and nitrate influx to the euphotic zone. Graduated nutrient enrichment experiments show that growth rates of phytoplankton and microheterotroph communities were stimulated within the range of the turbulent nitrate flux. Results of dilution experiments imply significant microzooplankton grazing on phytoplankton. We propose that these rapid and systematic trophodynamics enhance biological productivity in the Kuroshio.