①Distribution, feeding habits, and growth of chub mackerel, Scomber japonicus, larvae during a high-stock period in the northern Satsunan area, southern Japan.
②Spring phytoplankton blooms in the Northern Satsunan region, Japan, stimulated by the intrusion of Kuroshio branch Water.
③Diet niche segregation of co-occurring larval stages of mesopelagic and commercially important fishes in the Osumi Strait assessed through morphological, DNA metabarcoding, and stable isotope analyses.
①Kume G, Shigemura T, Okanishi M, Hirai J, Shiozaki K, Ichinomiya M, Komorita T, Habano A, Makino F, Kobari T (2021).
② Komorita T, Kobari T, Kume G, Sawada D, Nagata T, Habano A, Arita Y, Makino F, Ichinomiya M Estuarine
③Kume G, Kobari T, Hirai J, Kuroda H, Takeda T, Ichinomiya M, Komorita T, Aita-Noguchi M, Hyodo F
①Frontiers in Marine Science
②Coastal and Shelf Science
③Marine Biology